李麗麗逝世 終年74歲 Li Lili passed away
TVB著名甘草演员李丽丽因癌症于10月27日离世,终年74岁。李丽丽 1950-06-14出生于香港,祖籍广东,曾就读于圣若望书院,14岁考入邵氏南国实验剧团演员训练班,成为第二期毕业生。同批女星有李菁、郑佩佩、江青等。李丽丽出道于1966年,1970年她第一次被张彻看中演出女主角,那是和姜大卫合作的《游侠儿》。张彻的电影偏重男星,李丽丽是后来接拍其他导演的片子后,才有较重的戏分。 初出演时主要为武打片,角色多为聪明伶俐的少女。后期以配角为主,代表角色《笑傲江湖》宁中则、《天龙八部》叶二娘、《宫心计》徐妈妈等。
除了与张彻合作,她又先后得了楚原、刘家良、何梦华等导演的青睐。奇情武侠,硬桥硬马,恐怖降头,都能来的。她在邵氏工作了十二三年,拍了好几十部影片。后来她到台湾发展,当时还没流行经理人制度,她凡事得亲力亲为,却被当地人欺负,拍完戏却收不到片酬尾数——虽然如此,收入仍比在邵氏时多。 1987年左右,她回到香港拍电视,先后做过佳视、丽的(现亚视)和无线三台。
2009年,李丽丽在《宫心计》中饰演的太皇太后近身“徐妈妈”一角。 2013年,在《金枝欲孽贰》中饰演霸气十足的“雍贵太妃”一角,再次获许多网民关注,演技亦大获好评。年轻时,李丽丽是邵氏的当家女明星,众多武打片的女一号,美貌如花红极一时。娱乐圈浮浮沉沉超过50年,李丽丽各种酸甜苦辣都尝过,一辈子都没有结婚,单身一人。年轻是好靓女曾与姜大卫传绯闻,她曾剖白自己的一生。她坦言在事业上平步青云,却只有爱情失败,直言已经很幸福。Li Lili, the famous TVB Licorice actress, passed away due to cancer on October 27 at the age of 74. Li Lili was born in Hong Kong on June 14, 1950. Her ancestral home is Guangdong. She studied at St. John's College. At the age of 14, she was admitted to the actor training class of Shaw Brothers Southern Experimental Theater and became the second batch of graduates. The same batch of actresses include Li Jing, Zheng Peipei, Jiang Qing, etc. Li Lili debuted in 1966. In 1970, she was chosen by Chang Cheh for the first time to play the heroine, which was in "Youxiaer" with David Jiang. Chang Cheh's films tended to focus on male stars, while Li Lili only had more serious roles later on when she took on other directors' films. When she first appeared, she mainly acted in martial arts films, and her roles were mostly smart girls. In the later period, supporting roles were mainly played, with representative roles such as Ning Zhongze in "The Swordsman", Ye Erniang in "Dragon", and Mama Xu in "The Palace".
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