
陈友(Anthony Chan)

陈友(Anthony Chan,1952年10月1日出生),本名陈志涛,在温拿乐队担任鼓手。与谭咏麟、钟镇涛、彭健新、叶智强并称为“温拿五虎”, 陈友也是著名的香港电影人,曾担任电影演员、编剧、导演、监制等台前幕后职位,并于80年代初与香港著名导演张坚庭组建“二友电影公司”,创作、制作了过百部经典的香港电影。能演能导的陈友,曾凭香港电影《缘分》,提名第四届香港电影金像奖最佳男配角,凭香港电影《不脱袜的人》获提名第九届香港电影金像奖最佳导演。 陈友创作、导演和参与演出的电影,多是幽默搞笑的中产喜剧,而陈友更是将西方中产幽默、生活情趣带入香港电影第一推手;佳作如《表错七日情》、《一屋两妻》、《一妻两夫》、《杀妻二人组》、《鬼马飞人》、《两公婆八条心》(创业作)等。及后更大胆创作了不少新题材的电影,如讽刺两岸三地政治的华语黑色幽默政治喜剧《表姐,你好嘢》系列,文艺言情片的《不脱袜的人》等等,是香港电影多样化的功臣。2014年凭借僵尸一片,获得第33届香港电影金像奖提名最佳男配角。 有段时间,陈友跟太太、孩子分隔三地居住。他1993年回内地工作,5年后回港一次举行温拿演唱会,要不然都很少回来,2013年陈友的太太经历重病,全身骨头都是癌细胞,可能只有几星期寿命,他眼见太太受尽折磨却爱莫能助,很想补偿过往失去的日子;于是他将内地的生意全部交给同事,回来陪她医病。他每天祈求上天,后来太太竟奇迹地康复,他认为那是神迹,带给他灵感写成音乐剧《娱乐圈夫人》,借此将爱妻事迹搬上舞台警惕世人爱惜身边人。 Chen You陈友(Anthony Chan born October 1, 1952), whose real name is Chen Zhitao, serves as the drummer in the Winner Band. Together with Alan Tam, Chung Chun-tao, Pang Kin-xin and Yip Chi-keung, he is also known as the "Winner Five". Chen You is also a famous Hong Kong filmmaker. He has served as a film actor, screenwriter, director, producer and other front and backstage positions. In the early 1980s, he worked with Hong Kong The famous director Zhang Jianting established "Eryou Film Company" and created and produced more than a hundred classic Hong Kong movies. Chen You, who can act and direct, was nominated for the 4th Hong Kong Film Awards for Best Supporting Actor for the Hong Kong film "Fate", and was nominated for the 9th Hong Kong Film Awards for the Hong Kong film "The Man Who Never Takes Off His Socks" Best Director. Most of the films created, directed and acted in by Chen You are humorous middle-class comedies, and Chen You is the first promoter of bringing Western middle-class humor and life interest into Hong Kong movies; masterpieces such as "The Love of Seven Days", " "Two Wives in One House", "One Wife and Two Husbands", "The Wife-killing Duo", "Ghost Horse Flying Man", "Two Parents and Eight Hearts" (start-up work), etc. Later, he boldly created many new-themed films, such as the Chinese-language black humor political comedy "Hello, Cousin" series, which satirized the politics of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and three places, the literary and romantic film "The Man Who Never Takes Off His Socks", etc., etc. A contributor to the diversity of Hong Kong films. In 2014, he was nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the 33rd Hong Kong Film Awards for his role in Zombie. For a period of time, Chen You, his wife, and children lived in three separate places. He returned to work in the Mainland in 1993, and returned to Hong Kong five years later to hold a Wenner concert. Otherwise, he rarely came back. In 2013, Chen You's wife experienced a serious illness. All her bones were covered with cancer cells, and she might only have a few weeks to live. He saw His wife was tortured but was helpless and wanted to make up for the lost days. So he handed over all his business in the mainland to his colleagues and came back to accompany her for medical treatment. He prayed to God every day, and later his wife miraculously recovered. He thought it was a miracle, which inspired him to write the musical "Showbiz Madam" to put his beloved wife's deeds on the stage and warn the world to cherish the people around him. 陈友参演过的电影: 1975年 大家乐; 1976年 温拿与教叔; 追赶跑跳碰; 1981年 就是溜溜的她 饰演马谦; 乌龙行大运 饰演陈友; 1982年 风儿踢踏踩 饰演罗介文; 1983年 追鬼七雄 ; 表错七日情 ; 1984年 三十处男 ; 缘分 饰演吴威 ; 双龙出海 ; 城市之光 ; 1985年 僵尸先生 饰演四目道长 ; 开心三响炮 饰演甘油条; 鬼马飞人 饰演足球教练; 夏日福星 饰演罗大佑; 龙的心 饰演补习老师 ; 摩登仙履奇缘 ; 天使出更 ; 再见七日情; 1986年 杀妻二人组 ; 两公婆八条心 饰演复颜师陈武 ; 最佳福星 饰演Band友 ; 富贵列车 ; 坏女孩 饰演阿友,屈臣氏 ; 1987年 精装追女仔 饰演赵定先手下; 龙兄虎弟 饰演乐团团员; 标错参 饰演王干探 ; A计划续集 饰演客串陆警 ; 一屋两妻 饰演阿信 ; 1988年 一妻两夫; 僵尸叔叔 饰演四目道长 ; 鬼猛脚 饰演西湾署长 ; 中国最后一个太监 ; 神探父子兵; 黑心鬼 饰演陈康泰; 鬼马保镖贼美人 ; 1989年 小小小警察; 不脱袜的人; 发达先生 ; 奇迹 ; 四千金; 1990年 无敌幸运星 1997年 猛鬼通宵陪住你.

