
梁家辉(Tony Leung Ka Fai)

梁家辉(Tony Leung Ka Fai,1958年2月1日-),香港实力派演员。 梁家辉从小常有机会免费看电影以消磨时光,包括玛丽莲·梦露等作品都令他印象深刻,尤其是《星光伴我心》。梁家辉陪同朋友报名无线电视艺员训练班,在1980年考入香港无线电视台的无线电视艺员训练班第10期艺员训练班,著名的同期同学有刘德华、吴家丽、戚美珍、张之亮、徐锦江等。在训练班期间,梁家辉因为勤奋跟刘德华是当时露脸最多的两个龙套,其中为人所知的一次是与刘德华一起被选中,为电视剧《千王群英会》配戏,扮演当时周润发的打手。 1984年,26岁的梁家辉凭借《垂帘听政》在第三届香港电影金像奖获得最佳新人奖提名,并成为历来金像奖最佳男主角中最年轻得主。 梁家辉因《垂帘听政》获得香港电影金像奖最佳男主角,却被中华民国行政院新闻局全面封杀,所有作品无法登台公映,致使香港电影公司不敢用其出任角色。为了营生,而在石澳一带作无牌小贩在街头贩卖皮饰等饰品,后因生意惨淡而转到铜锣湾一带继续贩卖。 1987年台湾解严之后,对梁家辉的禁令自然取消,得以继续专攻电影,从影31年间拍过逾百部作品。其电影一般以文艺片为主,同时也拍过不少商业性质的戏,包括周润发的3部电影:《监狱风云》、《英雄本色3之夕阳之歌》、《赌神2》;在《火烧岛》一片则与动作片巨星成龙合作;另外麦当雄之《三狼奇案》和《黑金》梁家辉也有参演。梁家辉以熟练的演技见称,如在《黑金》饰演一个台湾黑社会领导人,只用一个眼神就成功演绎出黑道头目之威势。 1990年,与张曼玉合作的《爱在别乡的季节》使其获第27届台湾电影金马奖最佳男主角奖。他于1992年为其演艺事业创出另一高峰,不但获颁香港艺术家年奖演员奖,更成功打入国际影坛─以法国影片《情人》打破法国电影两年来的票房纪录,同年以《92黑玫瑰对黑玫瑰》再次成为香港电影金像奖影帝。 2012年,以电影《寒战》入围亚太影展最佳男主角,更成功再第4度夺得香港电影金像奖影帝。目前梁家辉每年电影产量稳定,为华人电影界不可或缺的实力派演员之一。 Tony Leung Ka Fai (born February 1, 1958) is a powerful Hong Kong actor. Since childhood, Tony Leung Ka Fai often had the opportunity to watch movies for free to kill time. He was impressed by works such as Marilyn Monroe, especially "The Stars". Tony Leung Ka Fai accompanied his friends to sign up for the TVB Artist Training Class. In 1980, he was admitted to the 10th Artist Training Class of the Hong Kong TVB Artist Training Class. His famous classmates included Andy Lau, Carrie Ng, Michelle Yim, Rosamund Kwan, and Elvis Tsui. During the training class, Tony Leung Ka Fai and Andy Lau were the two most prominent extras at the time because of their diligence. One of the most well-known was that he and Andy Lau were selected to play the role of Chow Yun-fat's thugs in the TV series "The King's Gathering". In 1984, the 26-year-old Tony Leung Ka Fai was nominated for the Best Newcomer Award at the 3rd Hong Kong Film Awards for "Behind the Curtain", and became the youngest winner of the Best Actor Award in history. Tony Leung won the Best Actor Award at the Hong Kong Film Awards for his role in "Beyond the Curtain", but was banned by the Government Information Bureau of the Executive Yuan of the Republic of China. All his works could not be screened in Taiwan, causing Hong Kong film companies to not dare to use him in roles. In order to make a living, he became an unlicensed hawker in Shek O, selling leather accessories and other accessories on the street. Later, due to poor business, he moved to Causeway Bay to continue selling. After Taiwan lifted martial law in 1987, the ban on Tony Leung was naturally lifted, and he was able to continue to specialize in movies. He has made more than 100 works in his 31 years of acting. His movies are generally art films, but he has also made many commercial films, including three movies with Chow Yun-fat: "Prison on Fire", "A Better Tomorrow 3: Sunset Song", and "God of Gamblers 2"; in "Prison on Fire", he collaborated with action movie superstar Jackie Chan; in addition, Tony Leung also starred in Mak Dang-hung's "Three Wolfs" and "Black Gold". Tony Leung Ka Fai is known for his skilled acting skills. For example, in "Black Gold", he played a Taiwanese underworld leader and successfully interpreted the mafia boss's power with just one look. In 1990, he won the Best Actor Award at the 27th Taiwan Golden Horse Awards for his collaboration with Maggie Cheung in "Love in a Foreign Land". In 1992, his acting career reached another peak. Not only was he awarded the Hong Kong Artist of the Year Award for Actor, he also successfully entered the international film scene. With the French film "The Lover", he broke the box office record of French films for two years. In the same year, he won the Hong Kong Film Award for Best Actor again with "92 Black Rose vs. Black Rose". In 2012, he was nominated for the Best Actor at the Asia Pacific Film Festival for the film "Cold War", and successfully won the Hong Kong Film Award for Best Actor for the fourth time. Currently, Tony Leung Ka Fai's annual film output is stable, and he is one of the indispensable powerful actors in the Chinese film industry.

