
韩马利(Mary Hon)

韩马利(Mary Hon 1954年7月1日-),生于香港;资深实力派殿堂级女演员。现为无线电视部头合约女艺员。 韩马利生于小康之家,父亲是药剂师,母亲则是教师,还有一个哥哥和两个妹妹;家住铜锣湾利园山道。自小性格反叛,不喜欢读书,但对舞蹈十分有兴趣;1970年,曾以学生身份代表香港在大阪世界博览会献舞。及后中五毕业,家人希望她到加拿大升学;但她却因怕闷而拒绝,还自行报读了丽的电视的舞蹈艺员训练班,同期的训练班同学有刘松仁。 由于母亲当时是梁淑怡女儿的补习老师,在梁的介绍下韩马利加入了无线电视。她初任舞蹈员,原计划转职当节目助理,却被安排报道节目预告。 1975年,监制王天林开拍剧集《陆小凤》,找她饰演上官飞燕一角,首次拍剧就能当上女主角;而饰演陆小凤的正好是训练班的同学刘松仁。1977年,她又被安排主持《K-100》,和何守信同为该节目的第一代主持人。 往后,她参与演出的剧集多不胜数,从广为人所知的《京华春梦》饰演的刁蛮小姐,到近年其样貌可说变化不大,依然如年青时般神采飞扬。她演技精湛,多年来演出不少大获好评的角色,深得观众肯定,包括凭2007年《爸爸闭翳》、2009年《宫心计》、2012年《回到三国》提名当年万千星辉颁奖典礼“最佳女配角”,其他代表作包括《宫心计》、《公主嫁到》、《名媛望族》等。 2013年,她在《2013年万千星辉颁奖典礼》获颁发“杰出演员大奖”,肯定及嘉许她在演艺圈中的贡献及付出。2019年8月,韩马利患上脑膜炎,两星期后康复出院。 韩马利先后经历了三段婚姻。她与首任丈夫陈波比于1975年结婚,但1977年离婚,1981年与冯宝宝兄长、当时无线电视高层冯吉隆结婚,但婚姻只维持2年多;1989年再与比自己年幼3年的无线电视国语配音员杜燕歌结婚。 Mary Han (Mary Hon; July 1, 1954 -), born in Hong Kong; a senior and powerful actress. She is currently a female artist under contract with TVB. Mary Han was born into a well-to-do family. Her father is a pharmacist, her mother is a teacher, and she has an older brother and two younger sisters. She lives in Lee Garden Hill Road, Causeway Bay. She has been rebellious since she was a child and did not like reading, but she was very interested in dance. In 1970, she represented Hong Kong as a student and performed a dance at the Osaka World Exposition. After she graduated from Form 5, her family wanted her to study in Canada. However, she refused because she was afraid of being bored. She even enrolled in the dance artist training class of Li's TV. During the same period, her classmates in the training class were Liu Songren. Because her mother was the tutor of Liang Shuyi's daughter at the time, Han joined TVB under Liang's introduction. She was a dancer for the first time, and originally planned to switch to a program assistant, but was assigned to report on the program preview. In 1975, producer Wang Tianlin started filming the TV series "Lu Xiaofeng" and asked her to play the role of Shangguan Feiyan. She was able to become the heroine in her first TV series; and the person who played Lu Xiaofeng happened to be Liu Songren, a classmate in the training class. In 1977, she was arranged to host "K-100", and together with He Shouxin, who was the first generation host of the show. Since then, she has appeared in countless dramas, from the well-known "A Dream in Beijing" as the unruly lady. In recent years, her appearance has not changed much, and she is still as energetic as she was when she was young. She has superb acting skills and has performed many well-received roles over the years, winning recognition from the audience, including being nominated for the Thousand Stars of the Year for 2007's "My Father", 2009's "The Palace", and 2012's "Return to the Three Kingdoms" "Best Supporting Actress" at the award ceremony. Other representative works include "The Palace", "The Princess Got Married", "Famous Ladies", etc. In 2013, she was awarded the "Outstanding Actor Award" at the "2013 Star Awards Ceremony" to recognize and commend her contribution and efforts in the entertainment industry. In August 2019, Han Mary suffered from meningitis and recovered and was discharged two weeks later. Han Mary has gone through three marriages. She married her first husband Bobby Chen in 1975, but divorced in 1977. In 1981, she married Feng Jilong, Feng Baobao's brother and then TVB executive, but the marriage only lasted for more than 2 years; in 1989, she married Du Yange, who was 3 years younger than her. , the Mandarin voice actor of TVB. 韓馬利參演過的電影: 1978 鬼馬狂潮 、 1978 不擇手段、 1978 戇居仔與牛咁眼、 1979 鬼馬智多星 、 1982 浣花洗劍 、 1983 瘋狂83、 1985 鬥氣小神仙 、 1986 皇家戰士 、 1987 呷醋大丈夫、 1987 香港小姐寫真 、 1988 赤膽情 、 1988 義膽紅唇 、 1994 花月危情 、 1995 虎猛威龍 、 1996 飛虎雄心2傲氣比天高、 1998 新古惑仔之少年激斗篇、 1999 陽光警察 、 1999 烈火戰車2極速傳說 、 1999 水著青春救生、 2000 魔鬼教師 、 2003 低一點的天空 、 2006 大丈夫2 、 2017 超能少年之宿命之戰(網絡電影)。

