
凌波(Ivy Ling )

凌波(Ivy Ling Bo本名黄裕君,1939年-),是香港著名电影演员,丈夫为演员金汉。 出生于汕头,幼年被转卖至厦门当养女,改名君海棠。50年代到香港,以艺名「小娟」拍闽南片。1962年,进入邵氏电影公司,开始演出国语片,初名沈雁,后改名为「凌波」,顿有轻灵逍遥之感。后凌波因在《红楼梦》中幕后代唱贾宝玉,受李翰祥导演赏识出演《梁山伯与⋯⋯祝英台》,该片令她一举成名,荣获第二届金马奖「最佳演技特别奖」。 1988年移民加拿大。2001年,罹患乳癌,手术后复原良好。2001年至2003年期间,举行多场「梁祝」音乐演唱会。2005年7月22日,于台湾北中南开始举行「梁祝」音乐剧及黄梅调精选演唱会。获得 奖项 1963年,主演梁山伯与祝英台,以梁山伯一角获金马奖最佳演员特别奖。 1964年,主演「花木兰」获亚太影展最佳女主角。 1965年,主演「万古流芳」、「鱼美人」获亚太影展最佳才艺演员奖。 1967年,主演「烽火万里情」获金马奖最佳女主角。2013年11月23日,她出席第50届金马奖颁奖典礼,并担任最佳剪辑及最佳音效奖颁奖人。 Ling Bo (Ivy Ling Bo, whose real name is Huang Yujun, born in 1939), is a famous Hong Kong film actor, and her husband is actor Jin Han. Born in Shantou, she was sold to Xiamen as an adopted daughter when she was young, and was renamed Jun Haitang. In the 1950s, she went to Hong Kong and made southern Fujian films under the stage name "Xiaojuan". In 1962, she joined Shaw Brothers Film Company and began to act in Mandarin films. She was first named Shen Yan, and later changed her name to "Ling Bo", which gave her a sense of lightness and ease. After Ling Bo sang for Jia Baoyu behind the scenes in "A Dream of Red Mansions", she was appreciated by director Li Hanxiang and starred in "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai". The film made her famous and won the "Special Award for Best Acting" at the 2nd Golden Horse Award. ”She immigrated to Canada in 1988. In 2001, she suffered from breast cancer and recovered well after surgery. From 2001 to 2003, many "Butterfly Lovers" music concerts were held. On July 22, 2005, the "Butterfly Lovers" musical and Huangmei tune selection concert were held in North, Central and South Taiwan. Awards: In 1963, starring Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, she won the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor for her role as Liang Shanbo. In 1964, starring in "Mulan", she won the Best Actress Award at the Asia Pacific Film Festival. In 1965, she won the Best Talent Award at the Asia Pacific Film Festival for his starring roles in "Eternal Beauty" and "Fish Beauty". In 1967, she won the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress for her starring role in "Love". On November 23, 2013, she attended the 50th Golden Horse Awards Ceremony and served as the presenter of the Best Editing and Best Sound Effects Awards.

