
蒋光超Jiang Guangchao

蒋光超Jiang Guangchao(1924年-2000年12月15日),名德,字光超,以字行,浙江奉化人;台湾男艺人、谐星、喜剧演员。蒋光超最为人称道的除电影以外,主唱中华电视公司1974年电视剧《包青天》(仪铭主演版)的主题曲,亦被视为经典。蒋光超生长于北京,拜师习京剧于名伶马连良与胡琴名师杨宝忠;1950年,移居香港。1951年,演出第一部电影《花姑娘》;并加入邵氏电影公司,演出《十三太保》(1951年)、《不了情》(1961年)、《蓝与黑》(1966年,分为上下两集)等多部著名电影。 1950年代后期,改加入国际电影懋业(电懋),参演王天林导演的《两傻大闹天空》(1959),1958年还担任过严幼祥《想入非非》一片的监制。因其多才多艺,被称为“通天老倌”和“艺术奇材”;1969年,转至台湾发展。1969年10月17日至1971年7月2日,与孔兰薰主持台湾电视公司(台视)益智节目《合家欢》。1970年,参演中国电视公司(中视)著名的每天30分钟连续剧《你我他》,特征是挤眉弄眼、大小眼、鲜红厚嘴唇;也主持中视综艺节目《今宵今宵》。 1976年,与洪涛自制自导自演中华电视公司(华视)每天30分钟连续剧《好舅舅》。登台演唱也是蒋光超的拿手好戏,其中以《凤还巢》最受欢迎, 蒋光超是个多产的演员,演出过七百多部电影。早年英俊,演反派坏人、斯文败类;中、晚年,秃头、脸皱,演喜剧。后移民美国,2000年12月15日逝世,享年76岁。 Jiang Guangchao (1924-December 15, 2000), a famous Taiwanese male artist, comedian and comedian, was born in Fenghua, Zhejiang Province. Besides movies, Jiang Guangchao is most famous for singing the theme song of China Television's 1974 TV series "Bao Qingtian" (starring Yi Ming), which is also regarded as a classic. Jiang Guangchao grew up in Beijing and studied Peking Opera under the famous Peking Opera actor Ma Lianliang and the famous Huqin teacher Yang Baozhong; in 1950, he moved to Hong Kong. In 1951, he performed in her first film "Flower Girl"; and joined Shaw Brothers Film Company and performed in "Thirteen Taibo" (1951), "Unforgettable Love" (1961), and "Blue and Black" (1966, respectively). (two episodes) and many other famous movies. In the late 1950s, he joined the International Film and Television Industry (DCM) and participated in "Two Idiots" (1959) directed by Wang Tianlin. In 1958, he also served as the producer of Yan Youxiang's "Fantasy". Because of his versatility, he was known as the "Tongtian Old Man" and "Art Wonder"; in 1969, he moved to Taiwan to develop. From October 17, 1969 to July 2, 1971, he and Kong Lanxun hosted the Taiwan Television Company (TSTV) puzzle program "Family Fun". In 1970, he participated in the famous 30-minute daily series "You, Me, Him" of China Television Company (China Television), which was characterized by winking, big and small eyes, and bright red thick lips; he also hosted the China Television variety show "Tonight Tonight". In 1976, he and Hong Tao co-produced, directed and starred in the 30-minute daily series "Good Uncle" of China Television Company (China Television). Singing on stage is also Jiang Guangchao's specialty, among which "The Phoenix Returns to the Nest" is the most popular. Jiang Guangchao is a prolific actor who has appeared in more than 700 films. He was handsome in his early years, playing villains, and polite scum; in his middle and later years, he was bald and wrinkled, and he played comedies. He later immigrated to the United States and died on December 15, 2000 at the age of 76. 蒋光超参演过的电影: 1. 笑死人不偿命 (1981) 2. 钱从那里来 (1981) 3. 浴室风波 (1981) 4. 福禄寿惊魂记 (1976) 5. 神童宝盒 (1975) 6. 朱洪武开国记 (1975) 7. 吾家有女惹人迷 (1974) 8. 云河 (1974) 9. 星星星 (1974) 10. 女权步步高 (1974) 11. 笑王之王 (1974) 12. 女教头大闹乌龙院(1974) 13. 一寸法师(1974) 14. 刁蛮斗风骚 (1974) 15. 铁娇娃 (1973) 16. 求婚妙计 (1973) 17. 怒火 (1973) 18. 飞天神童 (1973) 19. 忍 (1972) 20. 未卜先知 (1972) 21. 最短的婚礼 (1971) 22. 万家乐 (1971) 23. 琴韵心声 (1971) 24. 家家有本难念的经 (1971) 25. 吉屋招租 (1971) 26. 退票新娘 (1971) 27.今晚不要来 (1971) 28. 太阳下(1971) 29. 太太我错了 (1971) 30. 赌命的人 (1971) 31. 香港客游台湾 (1971) 32. 岳母大人 (1970) 33. 花心财神 (1970) 34. 添福添寿 (1970) 35. 大财神(1970) 36. 陈靖姑 (1970) 37. 小人物出头记 (1970) 38. 单身女郎 (1970) 39.不要让太太知道 (1970) 40. 行行出状元(1970) 41. 春梅 (1970) 42.八仙过海 (1969) 43. 欧阳德智斗九花娘 (1969) 44. 怪侠欧阳德 (1969) 45. 罪侠 (1969) 46. 金沙刀 (1969) 47. 玉面猫 (1969) 48. 三更冤 (1967) 49. 血痕镜 (1967) 50. 观世音 (1967) 连琐(1967) 蓝与黑上集 (1966) 51. 蓝与黑下集 (1966) 52. 鱼美人(1965)......龟精 53. 小云雀 (1965) 54.红伶泪(1965)......二哥赵玉昆 宋宫秘史(1965)......范仲华 大地儿女 (1965) 55. 山歌恋(1964)......姚德宝 56. 双凤奇缘 (1964)......夏言 57. 南北两家亲 (1964) 58. 花木兰 (1964) 59. 血手印 (1964)......张培赞 60. 妲己(1964) [2] ......尤浑 61. 王昭君 (1964) 62. 万花迎春 (1964)......郭维德 故都春梦(1964)......沈三叔 63. 杨乃武与小白菜 (1963) [3] ......钱宝生 64. 梁山伯与祝英台 (1963)...... 65. 教我如何不想她 (1963)......赵老板 66. 黑狐狸 (1962) 67.旅馆鸳鸯 (1962) 68. 有口难言 (1962) 69. 夏日的玫瑰 (1961) 70. 隔墙艳史 (1961) 71. 不了情(1961) 72. 快乐天使 (1960)......张克明 73. 私恋 (1960) 74.桃色风云 (1960) 75. 黑夜枪声 (1960) 76. 桃花泪 (1960)......陈慕良 77. 梁上佳人 (1959) 78. 丈夫的情人 (1959) 79. 淘气千金 (1959) 80. 童军教练 (1959) 81. 两傻大闹太空 (1959) 82. 百花公主 (1959) 83. 提防小手 (1958) 84. 女大十八变 (1958) 85. 小野猫 (1958) 86. 游龙戏凤 (1957) 87. 艳舞销魂 (1957) 88. 酒色财气 (1957) 89. 春色无边 (1957) 90. 葡萄仙子 (1956) 91. 万紫千红 (1956) 92.花姑娘 (1951) 93.十三太保 (1951)

