
谷名伦(Gu Minglun)

谷名伦(Gu Minglun)四川成都人,1949年7月3日在台北出生,乳名涵涵,父亲谷风,母亲陈丽云是中国内陆舞台剧演员,舅舅陈又新是50年代港台影圈演员。谷名伦中学毕业后即进入“中国艺专”电影组求深造,毕业后参加1970年台视举办全台湾歌唱比赛获得民谣组第一名,想不到被中视捷足先登签下两年基本歌星合约,谷名伦从此在荧光幕上唱歌成为电视歌星。 当歌星一年后,因适龄服兵役剃光头,谷名伦退役后重返艺坛,从歌坛转入电影圈共度过8年的影艺生涯,第一部处女作是由刘家昌执导与林青霞结片缘的《云飘飘》。他在《黄埔军魂》中饰演军官,充分发挥分在军中生活之演技。谷名伦这个名字开始在电影圈传开。谷名伦认为拍电影是他的终身职业,一共拍了30余部电影,拥有当一个出色导演的理想,更搜集大量中外电影资料,准备出版一本《一千部难忘的电影》;然而,却于1978年12月24日跳楼身亡, 这一年,他还只有29岁,刚跟女歌星张璐订婚。 谷名伦坠楼身亡,死因众说纷纭。根据谷名伦之父谷风的说法:就在12月22日,即谷名伦死前两天,他接到刘家昌手下一名剧务的电话,请他参加国防部23日为《黄埔军魂》所设的颁奖典礼,但随后不过20分钟,却又打电话来叫他不用去了。隔天23日,谷名伦看见颁奖名单上面有10个人,有男主角柯俊雄,却也有只露一下脸、连台词都没有的演员得奖,但戏份仅次于柯俊雄的自己却完全没有份,当下情绪极为激动。 据说谷名伦看到得奖名单,气得全身发抖。有消息指出把获奖名单中抽掉他的正是刘家昌。刘家昌为避风头,即时出国。谷家父母写了一本《刘家昌还我儿子来》,沉痛控诉刘家昌在谷名伦之死扮演的角色,臭名也因此久久缠着刘家昌不放。 Gu Minglun original from Chengdu, Sichuan, was born on July 3, 1949 in Taipei. His nickname is Hanhan. His father Gu Feng, his mother Chen Liyun is a stage actress in mainland China, and his uncle Chen Youxin was an actor in the Hong Kong and Taiwan film circles in the 1950s. After graduating from middle school, Gu Minglun entered the film group of the "China Art College" for further study. After graduation, he participated in the Taiwan Singing Competition held by Taiwan Television in 1970 and won the first place in the folk song group. Unexpectedly, he was the first to sign a two-year basic singer contract with China Television. From then on, Gu Minglun Sing on the screen and become a TV star. After becoming a singer for a year, he had his head shaved due to his age-appropriate military service. After retiring, Gu Minglun returned to the art world. He transitioned from the singing world to the film industry and spent a total of 8 years in the film industry. His first debut film was directed by Liu Jiachang and he became a movie star with Brigitte Lin in "Clouds Piao Piao". He played the role of an officer in "The Spirit of Whampoa", giving full play to his acting skills during his time in the military. The name Gu Minglun began to spread in the film industry. Gu Minglun believes that making movies is his lifelong career. He has made more than 30 movies in total. He has the ideal of being an excellent director. He also collected a large amount of Chinese and foreign film materials and prepared to publish a book "A Thousand Unforgettable Movies"; however, in 1978, He jumped to his death on December 24, 2011. In this year, he was only 29 years old and had just been engaged to the female singer Zhang Lu. Gu Minglun fell from a building and died. There are different opinions on the cause of death. According to Gu Minglun’s father, Gu Feng: On December 22, two days before Gu Minglun’s death, he received a call from a stage manager under Liu Jiachang, asking him to participate in the Ministry of National Defense’s production of “The Spirit of Whampoa” on the 23rd. Award ceremony, but only 20 minutes later, he called again to tell him not to go. The next day on the 23rd, Gu Minglun saw that there were 10 people on the awards list, including the male lead Ke Junxiong, but there was also an actor who only showed his face and didn't even have any lines to win the award. However, he, who was second only to Ke Junxiong in the role, had no part at all. His emotions at the moment Extremely excited. It is said that when Gu Minglun saw the list of winners, he was so angry that he was shaking all over. Sources pointed out that it was Liu Jiachang who removed him from the list of winners. Liu Jiachang immediately went abroad to avoid the limelight. The Gu family's parents wrote a book, "Liu Jiachang Returns My Son," in which he bitterly accused Liu Jiachang of his role in Gu Minglun's death. As a result, Liu Jiachang's notoriety lingered on him for a long time. 谷名伦参演过的电影: 1974《云飘飘》 饰 余山明; 1974《云河》 饰 梁新彤; 1975《烟雨》 饰 仁泉; 1975《云深不知处》; 1975《小女儿的心愿》; 1975《梅花》; 1975《在水一方》; 1976《秋缠》; 1976《星语》; 1976《鬼嫁》; 1976《温暖在秋天》; 1977《台北六十六》; 1977《日落北京城》; 1978《新雨夜花》; 1978《黄埔军魂》 饰 周浩庭; 1979《落花流水春去也》;

