
陶敏明Ming Ming Taur

陶敏明Ming Ming Taur,1956年出生,祖籍上海。在14岁就和狄龙拍拖,狄龙得知后决定等其成年后才谈婚论嫁。1974年,陶敏明参与电影《七省拳王》演出。陶敏明与狄龙的恋爱没有中断,两人继续拍拖5年后,于19岁与狄龙结婚(1975年3月23日),二人育有儿子谭俊彦。陱敏明曾参与许冠杰的电影《鬼马双星》和后来的《绰头状元》。1979年参与电影《护花铃》,次年陶敏明参与动作类电影《老头拳头大馒头》。1981年后,陶敏明出演的电影作品有《二等兵》《一老一少一根钉》《功夫皇帝》。2003年陈敏明仍有参演电影《福伯》。2008年参与家庭电影《一个好爸爸》。2023年由陶敏明担任艺术指导的家庭电影《我来自纽约》在中国大陆上映。陱敏明与狄龙一同演过的电影有《金剑残骨令》/《功夫皇帝》和《一个好爸爸》。 狄龙与太太陶敏明可谓模范夫妇当中的佼佼者,皆因狄龙一向给人的印象都是十分正气,绝对是一个好丈夫。陶敏明曾做舞蹈员,之后参与电影演出。陶敏明除经常被影到跟狄龙有影皆双,常与大美人林青霞行街买衫食饭,陶敏明跟林青霞是多年闺密,由于两人都是在台湾长大,同声同气,又喜欢打麻雀,不时相约攻打四方城。 婚后生活中,陶敏明对服装有特别的爱好,经营着自己的服装生意。平时她家里店里两边跑,又要照顾好生意,又要照顾好丈夫的生活起居,一有空,就亲自飞到法国去挑选货品。狄龙不忍心妻子陶敏明过于操劳,在拍完《醉拳2》以后便决定息影几年。此外,陶敏明在培养儿子谭俊彦方面,会培养他的艺术,同时狄龙还让他定时读唐诗宋词、写毛笔字,使谭俊彦在各方面都得到发展。2015年6月5日,谭俊彦与妻子任祉妍的女儿谭晴出生,陶敏明也当上了奶奶。 Ming Ming Taur, born in 1956, is originally from Shanghai. Ti Lung dated Ming Ming Taur when she was 14 years old. After learning about it, Ti Lung decided to wait until she became an adult before discussing marriage. In 1974, Ming Ming Taur participated in the movie "Boxing Champion of Seven Provinces". Ming Ming Taur's love affair with Ti Lung continued. After the two continued to date for 5 years, she married Ti Lung at the age of 19 (March 23, 1975). The two had a son, Tan Junyan. Ming Ming Taur once participated in Xu Guanjie's movie "The Ghost Horse" and later "The Number One Scholar". In 1979, she participated in the movie "Hua Ling", and the following year Ming Ming Taur participated in the action movie "Old Man's Fist Big Steamed Bun". After 1981, Ming Ming Taur starred in films such as "Private", "One Old, One Young and One Nail" and "The Kung Fu Emperor". In 2003, Ming Ming Taur still participated in the movie "Fu Bo". In 2008, sheparticipated in the family movie "A Good Dad". In 2023, the family movie "I'm From New York" with Ming Ming Taur as the art director had been released in mainland China. Ming Ming Taur and Ti Lung have acted together in movies such as "The Order of the Golden Sword"/"The Kung Fu Emperor" and "A Good Dad". Ti Lung and his wife Ming Ming Taur can be said to be the best among model couples, because Ti Lung has always given people the impression that he is very upright and is definitely a good husband. Ming Ming Taur once worked as a dancer and later participated in film performances. In addition to being often photographed with Ti Lung, Ming Ming Taur often goes shopping for clothes and meals with the great beauty Brigitte Lin. Ming Ming Taur and Brigitte Lin have been close friends for many years. Since they both grew up in Taiwan, they share the same sentiments. Ming Ming Taur also likes to play Ma Cheon, and from time to time they meet to playthe game.In her married life, Ming Ming Taur had a special interest in clothing and ran her own clothing business. She usually runs the store andhome, taking care of the business and her husband's daily life. Whenever she is free, she flies to France to pick out the goods. Ti Lung couldn't bear the overwork of his wife Ming Ming Taur, so he decided to take a break from acting for a few years after filming "Drunken Master 2". In addition, Ming Ming Taur will cultivate his son Tan Junyan's art. At the same time, Ti Lung also asks him to read Tang poetry and Song poetry and write calligraphy regularly, so that Tan Junyan can develop in all aspects. On June 5, 2015, Tan Junyan and his wife Ren Zhiyan’s daughter Tan Qing was born, and Ming Ming Taur also became a grandmother.

